Saturday, September 3, 2011

Roasting Hatch Chilies

If you like green chilies I strongly recommend roasting your own. Most important thing to remember here is "don't be intimidated". Canned chilies are no match for these babies.

This can be done on any open flame. I'm using charcoal but gas works well too. Place chilies on a grill that has been preheated to med-high temp.

Very important to keep turning the chillies. As you can see char marks will begin to show. Don't be alarmed this is normal. Continue roasting until skin is almost completely charred.

As you can see after the roasting there are plenty of char marks.When they come off the grill make sure to cover until they are cool enough to handle. This step is important in order for the skin to easily be removed.

If you are not planning on using right away, place in storage bags and freeze. These will keep in the freezer for up to a year. Just thaw, remove skin and they are ready to use.

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