Monday, February 21, 2011

The Make It Yourself Hotdog Bar

Probably one of the world's most underappreciated foods...The Hotdog!! Making a "hotdog bar" is a great way to serve a lot of people and satisfy appetites of young, old and everyone in between.
Normally I will do this in the summer time but, hey anytime is a good time for hotdogs.

Start out by buying good quality hotdogs and buns. If you know of a hotdog restaurant in your area they will normally sell them to you uncooked. You can also use an array of different types of sausages such as brats, andouille, polish and/or Italian. The key is the toppings - set up your hotdog bar by having a good variety of them. Get creative.

Here are some topping ideas:
Ketchup, mustard, relish, tomato, chili, jalapenos, cheese, onion, bacon, sauerkraut, crushed Frito's or even pepperoni.

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